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PugTalk: Whose got all the Jelly Rolls? Its @MyPugBoo

Pugs from across the great white north rejoice, we got a chance to sit down with canada's number one pug,  @MyPugBoo! This is one dreamboat of a pug. With a salt/pepper  muzzle and rolls that go on forever, we vote Boo best looking pug for 2017! From his obsession with memes to his love of fresh snow, Boo has got our heart a thumpin' to the rhythm of his snores!

Where do you live? The most boo-tiful province in the world... Newfoundland, Canada

Where did you get the name Boo? My mom only had feminine names picked out for me (I was supposed to be a girl)! So when I came along my mom threw all the girly names out the window and BOO popped up.

pug head tilt christmas

Do you have any nicknames? Just one... BOO!

How old are you?6 years old! My birthday is June 22.

Boo, what do you love most about living in Newfoundland? I love the beautiful walks I go on! I go for a walk on the East Coast Trail of Newfoundland every single day and I love it! I get to run free, in the fresh ocean air. Plus, I love how friendly everyone is. I love to make friends and people always stop me and my mom to pet me and say hi!

And in the winter I LOVE rubbing my face in the snow.

pug playing in snow gif

Tell us about Boo friends? I love making friends! I'm very social! When I go for a walk with my mom I stop everyone we pass to say hi! I like to call these people BOO friends! Once I started my Instagram I started to call my followers BOO friends too!

What’s Your Greatest Talent? SNUGGLING! I'm the snuggliest pug in the world! I love to snuggle, sometimes I snore too!

Whats your favorite snack/treat? FOOD.

mypugboo penguin pug costume

Do you sleep in or wake everybody up? I know when my breakfast is. it's 6:00 am. And I make sure I'm fed at 6:00 no matter what... then I'm back to bed!


Do you have a favorite toy?I love stuffed animals! My favourite was my monkey named Bootootoo. Unfortunately he was found torn apart one day, which I know nothing about! Do you have any bad habits?Of course not.

Whats your dream date? Food and a belly rub

Anything Else You’d Like To Add? I love when people send me funny memes using my pictures!

Where can people find you online? Instagram: @mypugboo YouTube: mypugboo Twitter: @mypugboo