Gwen The Black Pug, cutest instagram pug celebrity and founder of the Pug Zoo. Interview on
Read MorePugTalk: Whose got all the Jelly Rolls? Its @MyPugBoo
Pugs from across the great white north rejoice, we got a chance to sit down with canada's number one pug, @MyPugBoo! This is one dreamboat of a pug. With a salt/pepper muzzle and rolls that go on forever, we vote Boo best looking pug for 2017! From his obsession with memes to his love of fresh snow, Boo has got our heart a thumpin' to the rhythm of his snores!
Where do you live? The most boo-tiful province in the world... Newfoundland, Canada
Where did you get the name Boo? My mom only had feminine names picked out for me (I was supposed to be a girl)! So when I came along my mom threw all the girly names out the window and BOO popped up.
Do you have any nicknames? Just one... BOO!
How old are you?6 years old! My birthday is June 22.
Boo, what do you love most about living in Newfoundland? I love the beautiful walks I go on! I go for a walk on the East Coast Trail of Newfoundland every single day and I love it! I get to run free, in the fresh ocean air. Plus, I love how friendly everyone is. I love to make friends and people always stop me and my mom to pet me and say hi!
And in the winter I LOVE rubbing my face in the snow.
Tell us about Boo friends? I love making friends! I'm very social! When I go for a walk with my mom I stop everyone we pass to say hi! I like to call these people BOO friends! Once I started my Instagram I started to call my followers BOO friends too!
What’s Your Greatest Talent? SNUGGLING! I'm the snuggliest pug in the world! I love to snuggle, sometimes I snore too!
Whats your favorite snack/treat? FOOD.
Do you sleep in or wake everybody up? I know when my breakfast is. it's 6:00 am. And I make sure I'm fed at 6:00 no matter what... then I'm back to bed!
Do you have a favorite toy?I love stuffed animals! My favourite was my monkey named Bootootoo. Unfortunately he was found torn apart one day, which I know nothing about! Do you have any bad habits?Of course not.
Whats your dream date? Food and a belly rub
Anything Else You’d Like To Add? I love when people send me funny memes using my pictures!

If you love pugs then you love pug stuff! There is one hot new startup company in california specializing in all pug merch! We got to sit down with the inspiration of the infamous Chacha and Betty of @chacha_and_bettiepug
Game of Thrones with Pugs!?!?The Pugs of Middle Earth!?!? You guys know we are big nerds here at, so of course we are huge huge huge fans of @pupstarsonoma and their fantasy loving pugs!
Who Is Pup Star Sonoma? Susan and Phillip Lauer and our three pugs, Roxy, Blue and Bono
Where did you guys get the names Roxy, Blue and Bono? Roxy’s name kind of came to us while we were driving her home for the first time…We’d discussed many names and had it down to a few but she was so sweet but also so spunky, Roxy just seemed to fit. Blue was the color of the length of yarn tied around his neck as a puppy so you could tell all his siblings apart from one another. Roxy, for instance, was Pink. Blue fit him as a name too so he kept it. Bono came to us with this name. He's our little rockstar…so he got to keep the name.
Do you guys have any nicknames? Roxy: Peanut, BabyGirl, SweetPea, Munchy (short for munchkin) Blue: BooBoo, BlueSchmoo Bono: BabyDog, Baby, Little Man
We see your amazing costumes, who makes them? Susan makes all the costumes, and most of the accessories and props for our photo shoots.
How did you get started with sci-fi fantasy costumes? First came costumes for Halloween contests and Holiday cards. Then the costumes evolved into more elaborate pieces with scenes that help tell the story or showed off the costume details. The costumes and sets in The Lord Of The Rings movies really inspired us. After doing a few of those, we were hooked!
The Pugs of Westeros is our favorite! What inspired you to do a Game of Thrones themed photo series? Everything we’d done prior. GoT was a natural and we’d become dedicated fans of the series so we were compelled to create the characters. The funny thing is that while watching the series, we could envision each of our pugs as certain characters!
If each of you was a G.O.T character who would you each be? Roxy: Daenerys Targaryen Blue: Ned Stark Bono: Jon Snow
Any stories from the photo shoot you’d like to share? real funny or dramatic stories to share from a photo shoot. However, for the Pugs of Westeros video we really were not sure how smoothly things would go. There were 2 days of shooting, many costume and locations changes, extra people on the sets, tons of camera equipment, distractions and props... But the 3 pugs were total professionals and things went along quite smoothly. It was an amazing experience. I think the highlight though was the final shot on the last day of studio shooting, Roxy on the Iron Throne as King Joffrey Baratheon; with two little words (where’s mommy) she let out a series of whiny chirps just like King Joffrey! The timing was extraordinary and we kept it in the final cut of the video.
At PugCity we’re big sci fi nerds, Any plans for a Battlestar Galactica themed shoot? We had not thought about Battlestar Galactica as a theme but that might be fun to do!
Now Bono, what’s Your Greatest Talent? Well, if you mean tricks...Roxy can do the most amount of tricks around here. I can play fetch and volleyball (bouncing a small soft toy off my nose back to Mom or Dad) but I think my greatest talent is getting people to fall in love with me. I like to zero in on certain people, calmly sit on their laps, give a snuff-snuff on their cheeks (no tongue) and maybe bat my eyes a few times. In return I get a "oh, Bono" from them and then they don't want to let me go. Plus Im the best pillow fighter!
Bono, whats your favorite snack/treat? We each have our favorites. Roxy loves eggs. Blue goes crazy for chicken. I love cheese! These are all super special treats that we do not get very often. But when we do...oh boy!
Whats the best part of living in Sonoma? We like the weather here. It doesn't get too hot or too cold. There are a lot of parks with beautiful views nearby. Our favorite off-leash beach is 30 minutes away and there are enough fun things to do around here without having to go too far.
Do you sleep in or wake everybody up? I'm a sleep in kind of guy. I love to snuggle. Blue goes to bed the earliest but is also the first one up and tries to wake everyone up.
Bono, whats your dream date? My dream date would have to involve people calling out my name and adoring me, lots of treats, going someplace a rockstar!
Do you have a favorite toy? I have many! I love all of my toys equally. Every night I dig through my toy boxes (I have 4 large ones) to find the perfect toy to play fetch with. My mom and dad love that I sometimes pull out the funniest awkward toy to play fetch with or I find something that they bought years ago and I finally think it's the best toy ever.
Do you have any bad habits? I like to knock the pillows off the couch...especially at other people's houses. You should see my mom's face when I do it! I also like to steal rubber door stops. I just can't stand it when my mom puts them under the's ridiculous! She tries to stick them in there really that is going to stop me from getting it out. She also tries to put it back when I'm not around thinking I wouldn't notice. But I always find the time to dig them out. She gave up buying them because I see to it they are never used as door stops. Why do I do it? Because I’m a rockstar!
What does a typical day look like for you besides putting on costumes and bouncing around middle earth? Our dad gets up early for work and feeds us. Then we go back to bed with our mom. We like to start our day with morning stretches and massages. After some mom stuff we do pug maintenance (eye meds, face cleaning, walks). Usually while our mom does gardening or house cleaning stuff we like to do our sunbathing. I love sunbathing! If our mom doesn't have errands to run, she works on projects for us and that means we do some modeling. Modeling = extra cookies! Usually once a week, one of us gets to go to work with our dad. It's usually me since I'm the pug mascot! It’s an important job.
Anything Else You’d Like To Add? When we first started doing costumes for the pugs (2007) we really did not plan on doing it on the scale that we do now. In fact, way back when, it was considered silly to dress your pet up. It is wonderful to see the pet costumes/clothes market and acceptance grow over the years. We love looking at all of the adorable photos! How long will we keep doing this? Well, we have a long list of ideas and have always said as long as our pugs are able and willing.
Where can people find you online? Our complete portfolio is on our website at That is the best place to view our photos full-screen (best navigated/viewed on an iPad or computer screen).
FACEBOOK: @Pupstarsonoma INSTAGRAM: @Pupstarsonoma TWITTER: @Pupstarsonoma
PUG TALK: WITH @157OfGemma
Meet Mochi ~ motorcycle riding, ice skating, pug inspiration for THE BEST PUG COMIC STRIP EVER ~ illustrated by the super talented Gemma Gené of @157ofGemma fame! This week we sat down with Gemma's muse and all around cutie ~ Mochi the Pug ~ for our Pug Talk feature!
Read MorePug Talk: Chubbs The Wampug
Get ready for the Queen of Pug Costumes, the Bae of Bantha, the cutest Star Wars pug of all time! Chubbs The Wampug!!!! We here at PugCity are huge Star Wars fans, and so we are crushing so hard on the one and only Chubbs! This week she joins us for our Pug Talk interview. <3 <3 <3
Where are you from? I’m originally from a wonderful breeder in Tucson, Arizona. Miss Karen Radcliff of Desert Moon Pugs
How old are you? I’ll be 14 on December 28th and I think I look pretty hot for a mature lady pug.
Any other animals in the family? Nope, just me! I was raised with 4 kitties when I was young. Sadly they have all passed on, so it’s just me now and that’s how I like it!
What can you tell us about getting the name Chubbs The Wampug? Well my official name is Viva Las Vegas of Desert Moon Pugs, so mamma called me Vegas for short. But after my first birthday I began filling out and mamma started calling me Chubbs and it stuck! So I’ve been Chubbs ever since! The Wampug part is obviously for my Wampa costume from Star Wars. That was how people first began to know me and we love it.
Why are you so into Star Wars? Cause it’s only the best movie EVER! Plus mamma and daddy are huge fans. They met thanks to a website daddy owned called The Dented Helmet. And now Star Wars IS daddy’s job. I guess you could say they both are kids that grew up with Star Wars and never out grew it.
Are you excited about the Rogue One Movie? Oh you have no idea!! I am super excited as is all of my family!
What’s Your Greatest Talent? To melt hearts all over the world <3
Whats your favorite snack/treat? Strawberries!!
What Are Your Favorite activities? Sleeping, eating, begging for snackies, taking pictures, swimming with mamma (ok not really but I said that to make her feel good), snuggling on daddy or mamma’s lap to watch tv, doing our weekly live streaming on every Wednesday at 6:30pm PST. Oh, did I mention eating?
Whats your dream date?
It would be for me and my boyfriend Chester to go see Empire Strikes Back on the big screen and eat strawberries together, then go out for strawberry shakes!
Do you have a favorite toy? Mammma’s hand as it provides the snackies!
Do you have any bad habits? Of course not! Now if you were to ask mamma, she might say rubbing my nose on everything or sneezing in her face - I call them sprays of love. She’s also a fan of when she wraps up my pills in a pill pocket and I spit them out repeatedly and eat the pill pocket and not the pill. Don’t tell her but that is my favorite!!
What does a typical day look like for you? I lay in bed till mamma comes and wakes me with some ear rubs then does all my eye treatments and brushes my teeth and gives my supplements and medications. Once she is ready we head to work where I patrol the staff room for food and bark at the other dogs, and offer mamma moral support. Then I bark at her to let her know it’s time to go home for lunch. I get to hang out with daddy at home for the afternoon since he works at home. He gives me snackies he probably shouldn’t so don’t tell mamma ;) Then I nap till mamma comes home for dinner. We have our evening routine of meds, supplements, me barking for treats and dinner, then we get online and check out all my social media accounts. You may think she’s the one behind them all but all she does is type. I tell her what to post. Then we watch some tv on the couch and snuggle until bed time! You’d think it would get old but everyday it’s like a brand new day and I’m excited all over again!
Which is your favorite star wars costume?Defiitely the Wampug as that was the one that got me known around the world and opened up all the opportunities to meet, connect, and help people and pets all over the world!
Anything Else You’d Like To Add? I’m so very greatful to all my friends who follow me on my various pages. I’m truly a blessed puggie and I love spreading puggie joy and happiness all over the world. I love being able to help rescues all over the country to raise money for pets not as fortunate as me. Thank you to all my online friends who help me be able to do that!
Where can people find you online?
Facebook: Instagram: @chubbsthewampug Twitter: @ChubbsTheWampug
...and of course my website where we will have a store opening soon with lots of cool shirts featuring my costumes to help raise money for pug rescue!
Pug Talk with Momopug2000
Momopug2000 is the sassy'est one eyed pug around. She loves treats, dressing up in costumes and telling jokes to all her pug friends. She is the driving force behind PugCity and its editor in chief so we thought we should sit down and interview Momo for our PugCity readers!
Who Is MomoPug2000 Anyway?
Moms is Momo! Momo is 3 year old fawn pug. Me was raised in Amish country in rural pennsylvania by a cute family with 6 red headed boys all with bowl haircuts. Me knew me had to get out of there, so me hitched a ride with two suckers who were driving to NYC. They had a nice apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, so me moved in and never looked back!
Where Did You Get The Name Momo?
Me original name was Goldie, named after the tough first female prime minister of Israel, Golda Meir. Then me had an accident and lost me right eye, so my name got changed to honor the famous one eyed Israeli war hero, Moshe Dyan. They call me Momo for short :)
Everyone wants to know, how did you lose your eye?
Me was just a tiny puppy when we took a trip to the mountains in upstate NY. Me new sister Darby (the red headed Cavalier step child) was playing a little rough and shoved me into a stick! Me new friends noticed a small scratch on me eye, but it was easter sunday and they was in the mountains. The next day we went back to BK but me eye was already green zombie infected eye. Dey rushed me to da hospital but it was too late for me. It a good lesson to other pug friends, if someting happens to a puggy eye, take em to the vet immediately!
Does having one eye effect you?
It make me cuter! Beside that, me can still catch treats in me mouth, go on walks, see if people are opening the fridge… basically me can still eat, so all is good.
What’s Your Greatest Talent?
Me love chasing chickens when we go to the country side. Besides that, me can sit, spin, and lie down, and even roll over if there is carpet. Me learning to ride a roomba, but it not going very well! Me also really really good at telling jokes!
Whats your favorite snack/treat?
Me love anything thats stinky like fish! Bananas are usually a good backup snackie.
What Are Your Favorite activities?
Snoozin on the couch and telling instagram jokes. Me hate walks, and every time they get out da leash I go hide in the couch. Then they have to tempt me out with treats and its a win/win!
Do you sleep in or wake everybody up?
Me sleep in, unless somebody walks into the kitchen. Then its food time and me use a teleport to get there lickety split!
Whats your dream date?
A seven course meal with Matthew Mcconaughey, then me go back to his place and fall asleep on his lap while he reads me jokes.
Do you have any bad habits?
A lady never tells.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Me wake up with me friends at 6am. Then me go for a long walk. Then me friends go to their office, which is in their home so it very convenience and me don’t have to walk far. Then me sit in their laps while they work on da computer machine. Then me take another walk in the evening and smell da brooklyn smells. Sometimes da people throw bread on the street and when my friends aren’t looking I gobble it up! Then its home to read on the sofa and snuggle.
Your both the editor in chief of and its founder! Why did you start PugCity
Since me started me instagram account me saw there was so much amazing pug content being produced by awesome pug people and me wanted to share that with the wider internet world!
Anything Else You’d Like To Add?
What did the Pig say to the Pug? If I was U, I’d be a pUg too!
Momo, you crack us up! Where can people find you online?
Pug Talk: @PixieBelle
Meet PixieBelle! She's the cutest fawn pug around. PixieBelle and her little sister LulaBee love dressing up, reading books, and driving around their home town of Plano Texas in Pixie's new Viper convertible! We had the pleasure of interviewing PixieBelle and LulaBee for our new feature "Pug Talk"!
Where did you get the name PixieBelle from?
Well, as my mommy tells it, I was too sassy to be named anything too sweet and pixies are spunky, but also a bit magical! She added the Belle because as ya’ll know, we live in the south!
I see you have a little sister, where did she get the name LulaBee?
The mommy said there were enough Lulus running around already so they chose Lula and added the Bee because she’s always buzzing around me and being a little pest!
Wow, LB is definitely a LITTLE sister. How old are you guys?
I am a sophisticated 5 year old and LulaBee is a sassy 4 month old!
I must say, you dont look a day over 3! How do you feel about being a big sister?
Well, it’s pretty fun most of the time. I love all the extra treats I get! When LB gets treats for going potty I think it’s only fair to expect one, as well. After all, I am her role model! All the nipping she does on me neckfluff can be a real pain in the tushie though!
I hear ya, nobody likes getting neck bites. Though I'm sure as a big sister you can show LB the ropes. What's your greatest talent?
I am a fairly good model, if I do say so myself, but what I really excel at is hogging the entire bed when I sleep at night. I am also a professional squeaker destroyer. My record is 11 in less than 30 minutes!
OMG, 11 squeekers! There should be an olympic event for that! So, when you're not eating toys what's your favorite snack/treat?
Hmm…my favorite treat is anything the mommy is eating!
And what's your favorite activity?
Let’s see, sleeping is pretty good, barking at stuff is fun, chasing the FedEx truck is awesome, but I’d have to say my favorite activity is EATING!
PB, I see you just got a new car! So exciting, do you need a drivers license?
I did! It’s a Viper convertible! I look fab in it, too! I think I only need a license if I get caught! PB, Do you have a favorite toy?
I absolutely LOVE my Barkmade Peas in the Pod!! They fit perfectly in my mouth and they’re too small for LulaBee to steal away from me!
PB, describe your dream date?
Well, my bae Alphie alphie.and.teddy.pugtakes me dancing! I love to wear my high top Converse and burn up the dance floor with him!
What does a typical day look like for you and LB?
I wake up at 5:45 am every morning, even weekends, for breakfast. I try to wake the mommy up at 5:00, but she’s so lazy she won’t let me! Then I like to snuggle on the sofa with her as she drinks her coffee before work. After she leaves I get stuck babysitting the Bee until she gets home after school is out, so we usually spend the day barking at people who have the nerve to walk down our street, chasing the trash truck down the alley (through the fence of course) and napping. Once the mommy gets home it’s all about walkies, treats, dinner, treats and bedtime!
Anything else you’d like to add?
We are so thrilled to be featured by PugCity! It is such an honor. Momo has always been one of our favorite pug friends! Her jokes keep us rolling!
Where can people find you online?
On Instagram: @pixiebellepugOn Facebook: PixieBelle Pug On Twitter: PixieBelle Pug @pixiebellepug